We might be biased, but we happen to think water tubing to be one of the most fun activities on the water during the summer. Virtually anyone can do it, it's a great form of recreation to be involved in, and all you need is access to a body of water and a motorized boat to let the fun begin.
Like every activity on the water, you must come prepared. If you plan on spending a day on the lake water tubing, you'll burn out or burn up if you don't have the right equipment to keep you going all day. And of course, safety counts too, especially for younger kids.
So here is a list of essential water tubing gear that everyone should have a available when they are participating in one of the most fun sports on the water.
Water Tubing Gear List
Life Jackets -- Even the best swimmers need life jackets. Getting thrown off of a water tube, at speed, and you'll be glad you had one on. Plus, this is an absolute for kids. Safety first here, life jackets are an unquestionable piece of equipment that has the potential to save your bacon every time you get on the water.
Sunscreen -- This is another essential when being out on the water all day. You are going to cook if you don't have sunscreen, and an SPF of 15 is considered the minimum you should use, SPF 30 is better, with a higher SPF for fair skinned people and kids. Keep the sun at bay, use a high SPF sunscreen or you may burn up before you burn out.
Water -- Whether you have a cooler, or just have water bottles in the boat, it's pretty much a no brainer that people are going to get thirsty. Being out on the water in the hot sun is a recipe for dehydration, and that means there needs to be plenty of water. Juice works good too, and those revitalizing sports drinks with electrolytes, are better still.
Proper Clothing -- Water tubing can be very fast, and for the most part, you are going to be taking spills into the drink. To that end, it is going to be in your best interest to wear clothing that is tight on your body. Floppy swim shorts and skimpy bikini's may be the fashion of the day, but when you hit the water and lose a piece of your swim gear, it may not be as fashionable as you think.
Snacks -- Along with the water, pack up some snacks. Everyone will be burning a lot of calories on the water, and snacks are the way to keep everyone going. Sandwiches might be good but they tend to get soggy if left in a cooler. Self-wrapped snacks, like granola bars, peanuts, fruit rolls and other pre-packaged items stay dry, even if they accidentally get tossed overboard.
Air Pump -- Before you can get out on the water, you have to pump up the tubes. But instead of leaving the pump back at the dock, take it with you on the boat, or at least bring a hand pump along. Let's face it, you'll never know if a valve might come loose or you'll develop a slow leak. If any of those two happens, you'll be able to re-inflate the tube and keep the fun going all day long.
Skier Down Flag -- As a safety precaution, you'll always want to carry a skier down flag. There are going to be wipe outs, and throwing in a skier down flag will let other boaters in the vicinity know that someone is down and in the water. High speed boats and water tubers, off their tubes in the middle of the lake, are not compatible. Make sure everyone knows a tuber is in the water while you swing around to pick them up.
Optional Items -- Hats, sunglasses, towels and other clothing. Yes, we are talking about water tubing here, but you may want to consider these items for those on the boat, or when somebody else takes a turn on the tube. The driver will be more comfortable with a hat and sunglasses to keep the sun away, and both towels and extra clothing are always good when someone gets back on the boat, or when you are going back to the dock when the day is complete.
Now that you have this list of items to take, it's time to get out on the water and go tubing!