We tinkered for years at our top-secret product development labs to develop our first towable product, but nothing met the safety, quality and durability standards that distinquish the genuine WaterMat brand.
Then, in 2014, by applying the same patented process that distinguishes the WaterMat Professional, we launched our first towable product, the WaterMat TowBoggan.
The WaterMat TowBoggan offers a completely new and different ride...a ride unlike any you have experienced before. And we're getting rave reviews from customers!
Rider safety always falls to the boat driver to respect each individual rider's abilities in the water, to follow the usage guidelines found in the Owners Manual, and to constantly evaluate the rapidly-changing weather and traffic conditions. In fact, we have a handy mnemonic to help remind boat drivers of the safety basics, W-A-T-E-R-M-A-T.
With the above in mind, rest assured that, as a genuine WaterMat product, the TowBoggan provides safe, no-hassle family fun.