When I met the love of my life, it was by no means glamorous or even remotely sexy. In fact, I’ve never felt worse, looked worse, or smelled worse. It was Labour Day weekend and a few friends decided to hit the trails. I had no intention of meeting someone that day, but then, neither did he. To this day - which is 14 years later - I still believe that a hiking trip is an ideal way to meet the perfect match. Discover some of my top reasons why hiking is perfect to meet Mr. Right.
You Don’t Have to Worry About a Lick of Lipstick the Whole Day
In fact, donning it on the trails might be considered a waste. Potential beau sees you fresh as a daisy as you make your way over rocky patches and up craggy creeks. You’ll also rest assured that he will never worry about you wearing too much makeup in future because “you just don’t look like the girl he married”. Surprisingly, some women find it more stressful not to wear makeup than to go on a first date. This way, it beats both fears in one fell swoop.
It Will Always Form the Perfect Foundation for A Date
A hiking trip spent with just you and your newfound beau, is the perfect location to woo your potential love interest. This is also the ideal time to put those planning muscles to good use. Plan a hiking date involving stunning sunsets, mesmerizing stargazing sessions, panoramic vistas, or magical waterfalls. Top this up with a good meal-on-the-go and you’re good to go. And as if things couldn’t get any better, enlist the services of glamping specialists to spruce up a noteworthy campsite that will put the Hilton to shame.
Hiking also happens to be a fantastic first encounter because neither of you is necessarily out on the trail to look for a partner. This means a more relaxed encounter where neither of you has to over-promote yourselves. It’s common knowledge that many people inflate or deflate scenarios on dates to make themselves look better; however, in a group environment where someone might call your bluff it’s not that easy. Way to go hiking trips for keeping it real.
-> Gear Up for Your Next Hike <-